Friday, February 6, 2009

I am officially no longer a tourist!

I pick up my FM3 today! That means I can stay in Mexico for more than 180 days, I can open a bank account here, I can get medical coverage . . . I think it means they like me!!!

It was really great to see Chris and Beth! It is hard to believe they have been gone now for over a week! We gallivanted all over town with them, to many restaurants and places that Bob and I had either never been to or had gone to when we first arrived last year and not managed to get back to. We saw Mazatlan from a different perspective. Chris and Beth loved the Golden Zone whereas we love El Centro. It was a good experience to see the Golden Zone through the eyes of new comers, folks here for a holiday and not an extended stay.

While Chris and Beth were here, we hired Pedro, our favorite pulmonia driver, to give us a tour of Mazatlan. He drove us around for 4 hours and covered a lot of territory! You can look at my photos (link to the left) for some of the highlights.

On Wednesday of this week, "the ladies" and I hopped on a long distance bus and went to El Quelite (approx $3.00Cdn). El Quelite is a very small pueblo, population 2500, about one hour north east of Mazatlan. What a delightful little town! So clean and fresh! Ken Lane met us there and drove us around, showing us his unique home, Dr Osuna's fabulous restaurant, the bakery (awesome squash empanadas, the cheese "factory" (a local woman's kitchen), the cock farm ( and the town in general. Check my photos to see what a pretty town it is! I'm looking forward to another opportunity to go back.

The build up for Carnival is already starting! I'll let you know how it goes!