Monday, November 17, 2008

Keeping busy!

Hola! Sorry I'm not updating this blog too often! Not too much has been happening . . . just the day to day events.

Dinner at Te Amo Lucy's was good. Not as good as I had anticipated though. I enjoyed the Chile en Nogada but probably would not order it again. Maybe on Independance Day . . . sort of like having turkey on Thanskgiving . . . you have it whether it is your favorite or not! Te Amo Lucy's was very, very crowded that evening and very noisy . . . not my favorite way to have dinner with friends.

Since then I've sorted out my Spanish classes. My friend, Sharon (from Saskatoon), and I go on Monday and Thursday mornings to Monica's house for lessons. I really like this way instead of a larger class as we get a lot of personal attention and if there is something specific we want to learn or have explained, we are not disrupting the whole class. For example, I've been having some confusion with my Optomitrist about time of appointments . . . so on Thursday, Monica explained to us how to tell time properly! Also, what is the customary thing to say when you want to step over someone on the bus . . . pardoneme! I had been saying "permissio" and getting some strange looks so I knew it wasn't quite right! Occasionally, Monica will take us out to various shops, so we get some hands on experience using what we learn, in addition to the very basic "please", "thank-you", "how much", etc that I use now. She has a vendor booth at the cruise ship terminal where she says we can join her one day . . . that will be very interesting!

Today is a Stat Holiday. Revolution Day is on Thursday but the holiday is today, so Spanish class is cancelled and my optomitrist is closed. So, instead, the Ladies and I will go to Loco Lupe's (Crazy Lupe's) for a meal (ribs are his Monday special). Loco Lupe's is one of our favorites . . . a palapa restaurant right on the beach, where we can sit for the whole afternoon if we want!

Hasta luego!

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