Friday, June 20, 2008

Bob to Campbell River

It's 6:30am and I'm sitting on the boat, just passing the time. Bob is sailing up to Campbell River, crewing on a friend's boat. I'm going to drive up there and meet him on the weekend. The boat is a 42' Catamaran called Wannadoo, the same boat he "did" the Swiftsure in. Monica, the boat owner, needed some crew and Bob wanted to see what sailing North of Nanaimo was like. So, they set off this morning, first to go to Roche Harbour so Monica could deal with her Canadian Visa, then back here to pick up supplies, then hopefully setting off again before noon. It dawned a nice calm day so they should make good time. I've drive up to Campbell River tomorrow and visit with my s-i-l Judy, waiting for Wannadoo to get in . . . we will drive back to Sidney and work on Cat-Sass for a few days before it is hauled out for bottom maintenance next Friday . . . then we will be off for a few weeks on our own.

But right now, I have to be heading back to town to put in my last day at my current temp job. Have to get my car insurance and pay my property taxes today too.

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