Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Tall Ships are back!

We woke up to brilliant sunshine! Looks like summer might have finally arrived. We went down to the Inner Harbour at 7:30am to see the tall ships. It was a good time to go because the place was virtually deserted and with our passes we could go in all the restricted zones and get up close to the ships. We probably could even have gone on them, as our passes say we are "crew", but we thought that might be taking advantage just a wee bit too much. The ships were gorgeous! I'm uploading photos to my Flick'r site as I type (see the "newer photos" link). Went and had breakfast at one of our old favorites, Pluto's. Bob decided to go back out to Sidney and see if any work has been started on Cat-Sass . . . I phoned him about noon and they had just started. Hopefully the work can be finished today, as they are closed tomorrow so we would have to wait till Monday to get the boat back in the water! I went back down to see the Tall Ships again but it was soooooooooooo crowded and sooooooooooooo hot I didn't stay too long . . . and I had work to do at Pam's. Here I am, complaining about the heat now . . . it must seem like all I ever do is complain about the weather!!! I have Pam's place nearly all clean and tidy. I don't know if she will be home before I get back from sailing, so I have to leave it the way she would want to find it. I'd better go finish up incase Bob phones to say the boat is ready to go!

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