Monday, October 6, 2008

Moving along!

Wow, how time flys! A lot has happened since my last post here . . . I hope to keep things a bit more current soon!

The summer is over . . . Victoria is cold and wet and gloomy . . . and I can't wait to get back to Mazatlan! I had a great summer . . . lots of work, lots of sailing and a wonderful visit with my son.

I didn't get to see nearly as much of Brodie and Danielle as I would have liked, but they were only here for 12 days and had lots of friends and other family to visit. The weather held long enough for us to enjoy a day sail out to Sidney Spit for breakfast. They are back in Coventry now, already ensconsed in Brodie's last year of his PhD.

Bob and I went out for my last sail of the season last week. We had hoped to be out for 10 days but the weather changed and neither of us are much into cold wet sailing! It was wonderful though, to be out in September, when most other sailers had given up for the year. We had several evenings where we were anchored in quiet bays with no other boats around. We saw some awesome sunsets and masses of stars. On our last day out in we saw whales in the distance and had dolphins frolicking around the boat as we crossed President's Channel. A great end to the last sailing trip of the year.

The last few days have been spent getting me organised to leave. It is amazing the amount of "stuff" one accumulates. I had to make several trips to Value Village and the condo storage unit in order to get things down to one suitcase!

My next post will be from Mazatlan. Once I get settled in there I'll get the last few weeks of photos up.

Enjoy your winter! I will!!!

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